
Magnus provides consistent spacing for margins and padding so that you can build applications quickly. You can also easily directional

Size Value
none 0
xs 4
sm 6
md 8
lg 12
xl 24
2xl 32
3xl 64
-xs -4
-sm -6
-md -8
-lg -12
-xl -24
-2xl -32
-3xl -64

See it on Snack


// Padding ( p = padding in all directions )
<Div p="sm" />

// Padding Directional
// px = horizontal padding, py = vertical padding
<Div px="md" py="lg" />

// pt = padding top, pb = padding bottom
// pl = padding left pr = padding right
<Div pt="sm" pr="sm" pb="sm" pl="sm" />

// Margin ( ( m = margin in all directions ))
<Div m="sm" />

// Margin Directional
// mt = margin top, mb = margin bottom
// ml = margin left, mr = margin right
<Div mx="md" my="lg" />
<Div mt="sm" mr="sm" mb="sm" ml="sm" />

You can also pass values as number if you want to use any arbitary values. But we still recommended you to use pre-defined theme values to maintain consistency.

<Div p={30} />


You can add custom spacing also.

import React from 'react';
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
import { ThemeProvider, Text } from 'react-native-magnus';
import App from './src/App';

const theme = {
  spacing: {
    xs: 2
    '4xl': 64

export default function Main() {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
      <Div pt="xs" />
      <Div pt="4xl" />