
Wrapper around <TextInput /> of react-native

import { Input, Icon } from "react-native-magnus";

  suffix={<Icon name="search" color="gray900" fontFamily="Feather" />}


Password Entry

As <Input> accepts every prop of <TextInput>, We can set input for password with secureTextEntry prop.



Property Description Type Default
m margin string | number -
mt margin top string | number -
mr margin right string | number -
mb margin bottom string | number -
ml margin margin left string | number -
mx margin horizonal string | number -
my margin vertical string | number -
p padding string | number -
pt padding top string | number -
pr padding right string | number -
pb padding bottom string | number -
pl padding margin left string | number -
px padding horizonal string | number -
py padding vertical string | number -
h height number -
w width number -
bg background color string -
minH mininmum height number -
minW minimum width string -
rounded border radius string | number none
roundedTop border radius top string | number none
roundedBottom border radius bottom string | number none
roundedLeft border radius left string | number none
roundedRight border radius right string | number none
borderColor color for border string -
borderTopColor color for border top string -
borderRightColor color for border right string -
borderLeftColor color for border left string -
borderBottomColor color for border bottom string -
borderWidth width for border number -
borderTopWidth width for border top number -
borderRightWidth width for border right number -
borderLeftWidth width for border left number -
borderBottomWidth width for border bottom number -
shadow describe the depth of shadow to be used number -
shadowColor color for shadow string -
color color for input text string -
loading loading state for input. Shows ActivityIndicator when true boolean false
loaderSize size for loader component string | number md
loaderColor color for loader component string gray300
focusBorderColor border color when input is focussed string -
suffix renders a components at the end of input container React.ReactNode -
prefix renders a components at the beginning of input container React.ReactNode -