
Renders floating action button

See it on Snack

import { Fab } from "react-native-magnus";

<Fab bg="blue600" h={50} w={50}>
  <Button p="none" bg="transparent" justifyContent="flex-end">
    <Div rounded="sm" bg="white" p="sm">
      <Text fontSize="md">Cheer</Text>
  <Button p="none" bg="transparent" justifyContent="flex-end">
    <Div rounded="sm" bg="white" p="sm">
      <Text fontSize="md">Boost</Text>


Property Description Type Default
h height of fab button number 40
w width of fab button number 40
bg background color string red500
color color of icon string white
fontSize fontSize of icon string text500
overlayColor backgorund color of overlay string gray700
overlayOpacity opacity of overlay string 0.5
position used to position the childrens absolute" | "relative" absolute
right number of logical pixels to offset the right edge of this component. number 30
bottom number of logical pixels to offset the bottom edge of this component. number 30
openOnMount opens the fab if true boolean false
showOverlay shows the overlay if true boolean true
animated if animation is enabled boolean true
icon icon component of fab ( default is plus of AntDesign) string | React.ReactNode plus
activeIcon active icon component of fab when fab is in active state ( default is close of AntDesign) string | React.ReactNode close
rounded border radius string | number none
roundedTop border radius top string | number none
roundedBottom border radius bottom string | number none
roundedLeft border radius left string | number none
roundedRight border radius right string | number none
shadow shadow level of fab button number 3
shadowColor shadow color of fab button string gray900
ripple If the ripple is enabled in case of android boolean true
rippleColor ripple color string gray900
borderless If the ripple can render outside it’s bounds boolean false
disabled disabled state for button. Decreases the opacity and onPress handler won’t work when true boolean false
loading loading state for button. Renders the ActivityIndicator inside button when true boolean false
loaderColor color for ActivityIndicator for loading state string gray400
loaderSize size for ActivityIndicator for loading state string md
borderColor color for border string -
borderTopColor color for border top string -
borderRightColor color for border right string -
borderLeftColor color for border left string -
borderBottomColor color for border bottom string -
borderWidth width for border number -
borderTopWidth width for border top number -
borderRightWidth width for border right number -
borderLeftWidth width for border left number -
borderBottomWidth width for border bottom number -
opacity opacity number -
onPress event triggered on pressing the fab. Childrens won’t appear this prop is used. ((event: RNGestureResponderEvent) => void) | undefined; () => void